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  • HRHS Resources

Dormitory Deepavali (22 Oct 2022)

Sharing the joy and light of this Deepavali by distributing goodies packs to the migrant worker community who has remained united and persevered through the challenges of the pandemic.

We are very thankful to the wonderful HRHS volunteers who have spent many hours preparing the 1000 goodies bags - the 2 groups of volunteers who have come together on shifts to organize and pack the goodies bags (rice, cream crackers, 1.5L soft drinks, cocoa powder, toiletries (toiletries are donated by Mandarin Oriental Singapore), toothpaste, disinfecting wipes, shredded chicken and bananas); and the team who has loaded and delivered them to the dormitory for distribution to the migrant workers.

The colourful festival Deepavali marks the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. We wish all a happy and blessed Deepavali 2022!

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